Engleski jezik – Poslovni engleski – razgovori telefonom

Phone conversations

How to sound natural and polite

Poslovni engleski ne razlikuje se umnogome od opšteg jezika, ali ga odlikuju specifične fraze i izrazi. Telefonski razgovori na stranom jeziku mogu predstavljati problem, najpre zbog toga što je komunikacija ograničena samo na čulo sluha. Ovih nekoliko korisnih fraza sigurno će Vam olakšati razgovore telefonom na engleskom jeziku.


I want to speak to John.

Who are you?




He isn't here. Do you have a message for him?

Yes, I want him to call me on my mobile.

Spell your name.


Give me your mobile number.

090 654 382 995

Ok. Bye!



Could I speak to John, please?

Could I have your name, please?

Mr McNeil.

One moment, please.


I'm afraid he isn't at his desk at the moment. Can i take a message?

Yes. Could you, please ask him to call me on my mobile?

Of course. Could you spell your name for me, please?

Certainly. It's m-c-n-e-i-l.

And, could you tell me your mobile number?

Sure. It's 090 654 382 995

Thank you. I'll give him your message.

Thank you very much. Goodbye!

Conversation 1

Listen to this phone conversation. Try to understand the missing words in the sentences. Then check your answers below.

Pusti video zapis

Caller: Hello could I speak to Giovanna, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message?

Caller: Yes, please this is Johan from Intec. Could you tell her I won’t be able to make the training course on Saturday? She can call me back if there’s a problem. I’m on 11 0191 498 0051.