Testiranje za ENGLESKI jezik

Testiranje - ENGLESKI jezik

15. oktobar, 2024

Za svako pitanje u testu odaberite jedan od ponuđenih odgovora.

Ukoliko želite da se prijavite na kurs engleskog jezika u našoj školi, u polje Poruka upišite željeni vid nastave (grupni časovi, individualna, poluindividualna nastava), ostavite komentar ili postavite pitanje.

Po završetku testa, kliknite na rezultat.

Ime i prezime
Vaša e-mail adresa
Broj telefona
I don't have ..... money.

..... milk in the fridge.

He ..... before 9:00.

My brother always goes to work .....

We haven't got ..... red wine.

Where .....

What is .....

Mick ..... fly to Paris next weekend.

We have English classes .....

Elizabeth is our manager, you can speak to .....

I want to buy a blue mobile but shops ..... that colour.

I ...... dinner last night.

Give .....

Her boyfriend .....

I need to go to the bank ...... some money.

The house was empty. There ..... inside.

I lost my car key. I can't find it .....

We can't catch the train at 3:00 o'clock. There is ..... time.

He arrived ..... the airport on Monday morning.

I haven't seen my sister ..... a year.

There ..... visitors at the museum.

Her bedroom can't be dirty, she .....

We're looking forward ...... from you.

Please, don't start ..... again.

She works as a teacher, .....

My brother ...... in Germany since 1982.

I told you .....

Has Mrs Jones arrived .....

If I earned a lot of money, I ..... a big house!

As soon as I get home, I .....

I don't want to watch that film. I've .....

..... been waiting?

Sally wasn't at school today, and nor ..... I.

I invited Tom out for a meal, but unfortunately he ...... lunch.

That's the woman ...... I met at the conference last month.

..... is it from Glasgow to London?

We can have a coffee ..... you like.

Nurses and doctors ..... working at night.

I have to catch the 6:00 am flight tomorrow, so I ..... go to bed late.

It's my sister's wedding day today, so I ..... go to the hairdresser's yesterday.

Why don't we give these poor children some money? That's ..... we can do.

Your cousin wouldn't mind ..... on the sofa, would he?

The old lady ...... in the garden is my grandmother.

Those boxes look really heavy. ..... carry them for you?

Don't forget ..... those e-mails today.

Your friend looks really exhausted. I think he ..... go to bed.

That was such a scary experience! I'll never forget ..... so frightened.

I thought James and Judith ..... with us.

You ..... better hurry up or you'll be late for school.

Susie ...... last night, but I'm not sure.

She studied really hard so she ..... to pass the exam.

I wouldn't buy that dress if I ..... you. It's way too short.

Ask your mother when .....

James couldn't fix his laptop himself, so he ..... at a shop.

I wish we ..... a car, I'm tired of travelling by bus.

Our 4-year-old daughter can get dressed ..... now, she desn't need anybody's help.

If you'd come to the theatre last night, you ...... the show.

..... thinking that he would win the game.

By this time next year we ...... building the house.

The neighbours' baby cried all night. She ..... ill or something.

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