Engleski jezik – Present Perfect Or Past Simple
Present Perfect Or Past Simple Do you sometimes have a dilemma when to use The Present Perfect Tense and when The Past Simple when you talk about the past? Which …
Za sve vas koji želite da učite engleski jeziki, a nemate vremena da pohađate kurseve u školama stranih jezika, spremili smo besplatne online lekcije. Uživajte!
Present Perfect Or Past Simple Do you sometimes have a dilemma when to use The Present Perfect Tense and when The Past Simple when you talk about the past? Which …
12 Useful Phrases For A Successful Job Interview In English If you already have good enough knowledge of the English language and are preparing for the job interview soon, these …
Spremili smo za Vas još jednu interaktivnu igru za vežbanje IS/ARE/DO/DOES na engleskom jeziku. Uživajte! Imate predznanje? Testirajte se i saznajte koji je Vaš nivo znanja, ili se prijavite na …
If you have read, or you are planning to read our free reader „Sense and Sensibility“ by Jane Austen, why not try to do the QUIZ below to see how …
Lexis in Context Advanced level Files 1 & 2 For all you guys who are attending or have attended the Advanced level of English File coursebook, we have prepared this …
Upitne reči u engleskom jeziku Naš svakodnevni govor sastoji se najviše od pitanja i odgovora. Kada nam je potrebna informacija, kada želimo da naučimo nešto novo, saznamo novosti i dešavanja, …
Prepositions at the End of Questions How we make these questions Questions like these are made the usual way, with a preposition at the end. Use We need to use …
The Present Perfect Tense In this lesson we talk about the use of The Present Perfect Tense with FOR and SINCE MAKE & USE Make the Present Perfect Tense with …
Second Conditional In today’s lesson you will learn how to make and use the II Type of Conditional sentences. make & use IF + Past Simple Tense, WOULD/WOULDN’T + Infinitive …