Mixed Conditionals
This lesson teaches you how to make and use 2 types of Mixed Conditional sentences.
In the exercises below, we will first focus on the 2nd, easier type, since this part of grammar requires some time to grasp the rules and become confident using them.
After that, in the second interactive exercise, you will be practicing both types of Mixed Conditionals.
type 1
2nd + 3rd = IF + Past Simple Tense, WOULD/WOULDN’T HAVE + past participle
Use the 1st type Mixed Conditional when you want to say how things would have been different in the PAST if the PRESENT circumstances were different.
- If I were a man, I would have probably studied civil engineering.
- If they didn’t have a small baby, they would have come to the party last night.
- My cousin would have got that job if he had the right qualifications.
type 2
3rd + 2nd = IF + HAD/HADN’T + past participle, WOULD/WOULDN’T + Infinitive
Use the 2nd type Mixed Conditional when you want to say how things would be different NOW if the PAST circumstances had been different.
- If you hadn’t eaten so much as a child, you wouldn’t be so fat now.
- 2. If we had earned more money, we would live in a better area of the city today.
- She would have a job now, if she’d left a better impression on the interviewers last week.
Test your knowledge with our short quiz. Read the text given below and complete the sentences using the 2nd Type Mixed Conditional.
Why did Jimmy become a criminal?
Read some facts about a young criminal. Complete Mixed Conditional sentences to say how his life would be different now if he had lived a different life in the past.
hadn’t been
hadn’t been absent
wouldn’t be aggressive
hadn’t encouraged
wouldn’t be
would be
hadn’t watched
Read each situation, then transform it using Mixed Conditional sentences:
Type 1 – Say how things would have been different in the past if the opposite was true today
Type 2 – Say how things would be different now if the opposite had happened in the past
Flip each card to the other side to check your answers.
Iako niste tačno naveli kakva greška je u pitanju, uočili smo je i ispravili. Ko radi, taj i greši. U svakom slučaju, hvala što ste nam na tako očigledan način ukazali na propust u radu.
Jebem Vam mater ispravite gresku ovu gomila ljudi ce pogresiti zbog Vase nemarnosti i nepismenosti .