Engleski jezik – Prvi Kondicional – The First Conditional

The 1st Conditional Make and Use

How we make the 1st Conditional



Use the 1st Conditional when you want to say what will happen in the future if the IF part happens. Koristite prvi kondicional kada želite da kažete šta će se desiti u budućnosti AKO se ispuni uslov iskazan IF rečenicom.


1. If you eat so much, you will feel sick.

2. If we earn more money, we will move to a better area of the city.

3. She will get the job, if she is confident in the interview.

Now read the story about two men who met on the train.

Why I won't give you my newspaper?


A young American was travelling to Vladivostok on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the longest railway in the world. It was a long journey and he was bored. Sitting opposite him was a Russian man. He was about 50 years old. He had an English newspaper on the seat next to him. 'Excuse me,' the American said. 'Can I borrow your newspaper?' 'No,' the Russian said. 'I'm sorry. You can't.' 'Why not?' asked the American. 'Well,' said the Russian, 'it's quite simple ... '

Now, look at the rest of the story in pictures. Try to match the beginning and ending of each sentence below.