MAKE A PLAN AND SET GOALS„A goal without a plan is just a wish“ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |
ISPLANIRAJTE I POSTAVITE CILJEVE„Cilj bez plana je samo želja“ Antoan de Sen-Egziperi |
No matter how much you want to speak English fluently, you’ll only get there if you have a plan and you take action on it. Set a clear goal for what you want to achieve. Make it as specific as possible and set a deadline for when you want to achieve it by:
Koliko god da želite da govorite tečno na engleskom, dotle ćete stići samo ako imate plan i ako preduzmete potrebne korake.
Postavite jasan cilj za ono što želite da postignete. Budite što precizniji i odredite krajnji rok do kog želite da ga postignete:
Then make a plan for how you’re going to make that goal a reality
Zatim napravite plan kako ćete ove ciljeve sprovesti u delo
And remember … A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow. – George Patton |
I zapamtite…
Dobar plan sproveden danas bolji je od savršenog plana sprovedenog sutra. – Džordž Paton |